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EFB 496  |  Field Ornithology  (3)

本课程着重于鸟类学领域的技术和分类、多样性、 识别(通过视觉和声音),自然历史,生态和保护 纽约中部、纽约州和北美东部的鸟类. Note: this 这门课将成为所有EFB专业的高年级选修课程 作为除野生动物科学外所有EFB专业的脊椎动物多样性选修课. 本课程不符合EFB 482(鸟类学)的要求。.

Location: 周一至周五,上午8点至下午4点30分,031 Gateway和各个场地

Prerequisites: None

Instructor: A. Belford


EFB 496/696  |  Flora of Central New York  (3)

春季开花维管植物、木本植物、 ferns and fern allies. 我们将参观奥内达加的几个高质量的自然区域 County and nearby counties. A class session may be devoted to the identification of graminoids and other challenging plant groups. Field trips often involve extended hikes over rough terrain. 先前完成一门课程,包括植物鉴定 is strongly recommended.

Location: 周一至周五,上午9点至下午3点15分,238伊利克和各个现场地点

Prerequisites: None

Instructor: A. Petzke


EST 202 |美国历史:从发现到内战(3)
考察美国制度的起源和发展的美国历史 和理想,从发现新大陆到内战. Students are 主要历史学家的著作和对美国历史的各种解释 history.
Location: Online / Asynchronous

Prerequisites: None

Textbook: 埃里克·福纳,《博彩平台》第7卷,ISBN# 978-1-324-04190-0

Instructor: P. Bushnell

本课程符合博彩平台美国历史和公民的通识教育要求 Engagement.

EST 296 |野外意识和野外技术入门(3)

这个在海伯格森林举办的实地课程介绍了观察 与当地的林地环境接触,以求生存. We will explore fundamental 户外生存技能包括:从零开始生火,寻找 自然界的食物和水,制作基本工具,庇护和应对天气, and using natural navigation. Acknowledgement of ancestral practices and Haudenosaunee land and culture will be included. The course explores the safe and skillful use of selected bushcraft tools (e.g. 刀具)以及寻找材料和工艺的方法 野外的工具(如木器、篮子、绳索),与你相连 long standing strategies for survival. You will learn ways to keep you warm and protected 在荒野环境中(防水布、碎片小屋和其他临时搭建的避难所). We will 让您了解野生食品的识别和负责任的收获. This 动手,实地为基础的课程还包括阅读,日志和写作练习.

Location: Syracuse Campus & Heiberg Classrooms, Monday – Thursday, 10 am – 4:15 pm

Prerequisites: None

Instructor: S. Moran & J. Devine

APM 391 |概论与统计(3)

介绍应用于环境问题的统计学概念和方法 science and forestry. 主题包括推断(置信区间和假设) 检验、抽样分布、描述性统计、探索性数据分析、 总体均值和比例的比较,分类数据分析,回归 and correlation, and nonparametric methods.

Location: Online / Asynchronous

Prerequisites: None

Instructor: C. Carsten

EFB 307  |  Principles of Genetics (3)

一门涵盖遗传学和进化概念的普通课程 biology and biochemistry courses. Includes the inheritance and analysis of Mendelian 数量性状,基因的化学性质及其作用,基因工程, the genetic structure of populations and their evolution. Numerical methods for characterizing and analyzing genetic data are introduced.

Location: 在线/异步,推荐背诵,每两周举行一次:周二,6 pm to 7 pm and Thursdays, 8 am to 9 am

Prerequisites: One year of biology

Textbook: Essentials of Genetics by Klug (10th edition) (Pearson); Other readings provided.

Instructor: W. Helenbrook

EFB 480  |  Principles of Animal Behavior (3)

动物行为的基本原理和科学过程,包括基因, 行为的神经和生理基础,行为生态学和行为反应 to a changing environment. 控制行为的近似和终极机制 of animals including humans. 

Location: 在线/异步与推荐的复习每两周举行一次:周二,8 am to 9 am and Thursdays, 6 pm to 7 pm

Prerequisites: EFB 101 or equivalent

Textbook: Animal Behavior by John Alcock (11th edition); The Third Chimpanzee by Jared Diamond; All other readings provided.

Instructor: W. Helenbrook

EFB 496/696  |  Flora of Central New York (3)

春季开花维管植物、木本植物、 ferns and fern allies. 我们将参观奥内达加的几个高质量的自然区域 County and nearby counties. A class session may be devoted to the identification of graminoids and other challenging plant groups. Field trips often involve extended hikes over rough terrain. 先前完成一门课程,包括植物鉴定 is strongly recommended.

Location: First week is online asynchronous. Remaining 5 weeks: Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9 am to 1 pm, 238 Illick and various field locations.

Prerequisites: None

Instructor: A. Petzke


EWP 220 |  Public Presentation Skills (3)

培养环境专业人员在准备和交付过程中所需的技能和流畅性 评估说明性和说服性口头报告的有效性. Communication 理论,修辞分析,和可视化的复杂和技术数据,自我 and peer evaluation, listening skills. The course will be taught asynchronously, and 学生将访问一个每周文件夹来复习笔记和讲义,以便完成 various activities, assignments, and speeches. Each week will require 10-12 hours 到6周结束时,学生将累计学习60-72小时 of work. 

Location: Online / Asynchronous

Prerequisites: None

Instructor: C. Ciereck


EWP 290 |  Research, Writing, and Humanities (3)

适用于上过入门写作课程的学生. Students will examine 精选出来的作家对自然和环境的看法, poets, and essayists. 频繁的非正式和正式的写作任务以及 research and documentation are required. With an emphasis on critical writing, critical 思考和批判性阅读,将使学生学习到他们所期望的读写能力 disciplines. 

Location: Online / Asynchronous

Prerequisites: None

Instructor: R. Spano


EWP 290 |  Research, Writing, and Humanities (3)

适用于上过入门写作课程的学生. Students will examine 精选出来的作家对自然和环境的看法, poets, and essayists. 频繁的非正式和正式的写作任务以及 research and documentation are required. With an emphasis on critical writing, critical 思考和批判性阅读,将使学生学习到他们所期望的读写能力 disciplines. 

Location: Online / Asynchronous

Prerequisites: None

Instructor: T. Dorholt


EWP 407 |环境与科学专业写作(3)

侧重于原则和实践的写作技巧要求的环境和 science professionals. 强调确定文件目的的熟练程度; analyzing audience; selecting, developing and organizing information in an appropriate design; and writing clearly, precisely, and effectively. 

Location: Online / Asynchronous

Prerequisites: EWP 290 and Junior/Senior status

Textbook: Technical Communication: A Reader-Centered Approach

Instructor: S. Woltman

SUS 296 |  Introduction to Sustainability (3)

这门课程是可持续发展和环境科学的结合. This course covers 地球和地球上生命的历史,重点是人类文化. Topics 包括人力资源的使用和管理,包括能源、水、矿产、土地、 soil, food, plants and animals. Additionally, the course will explore environmental 降解和处理污染和废物的解决方案. This course will also 涵盖可持续发展运动的历史和各种可持续发展措施. 

Location: Online / Asynchronous

Prerequisites: None

Textbook: McKinney, M.L., Schoch, R.M., Yonovjak, L., & Mincy, G.A. (2019). Environmental science: Systems and solutions (6th ed.). Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Instructor: K. Searing 

EFB 496 |  Evolution (3)

介绍驱动进化的基本过程(遗传漂变,基因 流动,突变,性选择和自然选择),生命史的进化, trade-offs, and phenotypic plasticity. Macroevolutionary concepts covered include 物种形成、灭绝、共同进化和系统发育的重建.

Location: 在线/异步,推荐背诵,每两周举行一次:周二,6 to 7 p.m. and Thursdays, 8 to 9 a.m.

Prerequisites: EFB 307 and EFB 320, or equivalents.

Textbook: Evolution (3rd Edition or newer) by Futuyma; Coyne, Jerry A. 2009. Why evolution is true. Penguin. Additional readings provided.

Instructor: W. Helenbrook

EFB 496  |  Tropical Conservation Biology (3)

作为保护生物学的入门课程,本课程旨在 展示基础生物科学如何与社会、经济和科学相结合 从政治角度实现生物保护的目标. Several core 这些主题将在一系列视频讲座,在线讨论和 readings, including: biodiversity - distribution, value and measurement; global threats to biodiversity; philosophy, tools and applications; and tropical conservation problems and solutions. 

Location: 在线/异步与推荐的复习每两周举行一次:周二,8 am to 9 am and Thursdays, 6 pm to 7 pm

Prerequisites: One year of introductory biology suggested.

Textbook: All readings will be provided.

Instructor: W. Helenbrook

EFB 496  |  Wetland Monitoring and Assessment (3)

课堂(25%)与湿地监测的广泛实地经验(75%)相结合 and assessment. 课程的目的是为学生提供知识和技术 用于监测和评估湿地植物和动物 communities. 包括期末项目报告、技术论文和流行文章. 学生将于7月8日在黑板上完成签到作业和核心部分 of the course will run from July 29th - August 9th.

Location: Hybrid, July 8th through Aug 16th. Campus - Illick 251 and various field locations, July 29th through Aug 9th

Prerequisites: None

Instructor: M. Schummer


EST 135  |  Introduction to Climate Justice (3)

本课程将向学生介绍气候正义,即气候变化的概念 不仅对我们星球的大气和生态系统产生了严重的负面影响, but also for our communities and society at large. We will explore how the impacts 气候变化——比如干旱、飓风和海平面上升——会影响一些国家 从锡拉丘兹的有色人种社区到小规模社区,都比其他人更关注群体和地方 farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. 与此同时,我们将了解学者,活动家 当地社区正在努力纠正这些不平等现象,实现气候变化 justice for all the inhabitants of our warming planet. In discussing these issues, 我们将借鉴许多激进的理论和概念,这将有助于我们理解 课程主题从不同角度展开,如女权主义、能源民主、生态等 justice, Indigenous knowledge, and queer & trans liberation. As part of this course, 学生将写简短的反应论文,在黑板上分享讨论帖子或视频, 作为在线迷你会议的一部分,展示一张虚拟海报,并提交期末报告 project on a topic and in a format of their choice. The course does not require any prior knowledge of climate science.

Location: Online / Asynchronous

Prerequisites: EFB 101, 102, 103, & 104, or equivalent

Textbook: Ayana E. Johnson & Katharine K. Wilkinson. (2020). All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis. New York, NY: One World. [selected chapters] and Greta Thunberg. (2023). The Climate Book: The facts and the solutions. New York, NY: Penguin Press. [selected chapters]

Instructor: M. Mikulewicz

本课程符合博彩平台通识教育多样性要求:公平、包容、 and Social Justice.

EST 296  |  Comics and the Drawn Environment (3)

介绍以环境为中心的漫画叙事的媒介和工具 and environmental issues. 学生将阅读广泛的漫画和相关学术 探索这种叙事媒介的创造性可能性. The 课程将涵盖诸如漫画的历史,以及如何阅读漫画等主题 一种环境通信设备,以及环境的独特方式 constructed within the medium. In addition, students will have an option to create 叙述通过自己的短篇漫画或专注于书面评估只. 这门课不需要有艺术才能.

Location: Online / Asynchronous

Prerequisites: None

Textbook: McCloud, Scott. 1994. Understanding Comics. New York, NY: Harper Perennial. ISBN: 978-0-06-097625-5

Instructor: J. Cairns

FOR 110 |  Environmental Physics (3)

使用自然环境中的例子介绍物理原理 and coupled human-natural systems. 

Location: Online / Asynchronous

Prerequisites: None

Instructor: D. Kloster

本课程符合博彩平台自然科学通识教育的要求 Scientific Reasoning.

SUS 296 |  Ecology (3)

生态学是研究决定生物分布的相互作用的科学 and abundance of organisms. 在本课程中,我们将获得一个入门性的理解 调节生态种群的多种生物和非生物相互作用 size and community structure. We will examine how organisms respond to their physical 环境,在整个景观中的人口和社区中相互作用, 并通过陆地和水生生态系统影响能量和营养物质的流动. 

Location: 在线/异步/背诵和办公时间取决于学生的可用性

Prerequisites: None

Textbook: Elements of Ecology by Smith & Smith. 8th Ed. Pearson

Instructor: W. Helenbrook

SUS 300 |可持续系统思维:生态、经济与社会(3)

本课程定义了可持续发展和可持续发展,介绍了联合国 联合国可持续发展目标,并帮助学生开始理解 环境、经济和社会之间复杂的相互作用,以及他们的 implications for sustainable development.

Location: Online / Asynchronous

Prerequisites: None

Instructor: T. Ploumi

APM 105  |  Survey of Calculus and Its Applications I (4)

解析几何的元素,函数和它们的图,重点是 极限的概念,以及代数,指数和微分技巧 对数函数及其在经济、生活和管理中的应用 sciences. 包括约束优化在内的多变量微积分. Note: Credit 在成功完成MAT 284, MAT 285或 MAT 295 at SU.

Location: Online / Asynchronous

Prerequisites: Precalculus or 3 1/2 years of high school mathematics.

Textbook: Cengage's Webassign, ebook included.

Instructor: N. Abdel-Aziz

本课程符合博彩平台通识教育数学与定量课程的要求 reasoning.

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